Area Lawn Treatments in Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky & Tennessee.
Enhance the beauty of your landscape with our lawn fertilization and weed control maintenance services.
Lawns need good nutrition and each property is different. We customize our lawn treatments for your specific landscape producing healthy and inviting landscapes in balance with nature.
Our basic program is comprised of 6 applications spaced 6-8 weeks apart. We use all dry granular products except for our weed control which is a liquid. Our entire program even with the grub control application is 96% pesticide free.

In the spring, we apply rounds 1 and 2:
Round One
Early Spring. Fertilizer and crabgrass control. Establishes a barrier to stop crabgrass before it starts. Minimal greening is noticed at this time since this application is applied early in the spring. Once the weather warms up, the grass will have the nutrients available to give you a quick green up. Crabgrass is one of the largest lawn problems in the Indianapolis area, so this early application is a necessity!
The product used this round is 13-0-5 w/ Prodiamine. (fertilizer w/ pre-emergence)
Round Two
Late Spring. Fertilizer and broadleaf weed control. Weeds will be eliminated at this time. (dandelions / clover, etc.)
The products used this round is 13-0-5 w/ Prodiamine and Threesome, which contains 3 types of broadleaf weed control products. (liquid weed control)
In the summer, we apply rounds 3 and 4:
Round 3
Early Summer. Fertilizer and weed control. We will eliminate the rest of the remaining weeds. Also, we will be keeping an eye out for turf damaging insects which can cause harm this time of the year. (chinch bugs/sod-webworms, etc.)
Products used: Slow release general fertilizer and Threesome (weed control) Grub preventative and insecticide treatments will be applied at this time for an additional fee.
Round 4
Late Summer. Fertilizer and weed control. The lawn will be suffering from the summer heat. This application will keep the weeds out and give the grass plants the nutrients they need to survive the hot and dry conditions. This is the time when white grubs may start to cause damage to the lawn. We will definitely be leaving notes and recommendations at this time.
Products used: Same as Round 3, however we will use a variety of products to combat different summer weeds as needed.
In the fall, we apply rounds 5 and 6:
Round 5
Early Fall. Fertilizer and weed control. This is the time of year that the lawn begins to rebuild itself from the stresses of summer. We will continue provide the nutrients it needs to help develop density and create new growth. Weeds will also be addressed. This is also the time of year to consider aerating the lawn. Prices for this process will be left with you on your invoice. Also, this is the best time to do any seeding you may be planning.
Same products as Rounds 3 and 4, but if lawn is being seeded a starter fertilizer may be used and no weed control will be applied as this will harm the seeding
Round 6
Granular winterizer fertilizer and liquid weed control. This is the time of year that all spring annuals germinate to become a problem next spring. Late fall fertilizer will give the root system plenty of nutrients to survive the winter and allow or an early spring green up.
Through aeration, soil becomes less compacted and is exposed to the circulation of air. Once the soil is aerated, air exchange improves and the soil can easily absorb water, fertilizer and other nutrients.
Overseeding, painting grass seed directly into existing turf without tearing up the turf or soil. This improves bare spots, increases turf density, crowds out weeds and enhances lawn color. By over seeding with advanced grasses, you can save time and money by decreasing the amount of fertilizer, water, and pesticides your lawn requires.
We also offer a grub preventive and insecticide treatment. If chosen, we would apply this with your Round 3 treatment.